Our Practice Areas
A Trademark is a source identifier and provides a business its unique identity.
Searching, Application Filing, Registration and Renewal; Assignment and Licensing Agreement; Infringement and Cancellation of Design, Litigation etc.
Searching, Application Filing, Registration and Renewal; Assignment and Licensing Agreement; Infringement and Cancellation of Design, Litigation etc.
Patents provide an inventor a monopoly to make or sell his invention.
Searching, Application Filing, Registration and Renewal; Assignment and Licensing Agreement; Infringement and Cancellation of Design, Litigation etc.
Searching, Application Filing, Registration and Renewal; Assignment and Licensing Agreement; Infringement and Cancellation of Design, Litigation etc.
A copyright comes into existence as soon as an original published or unpublished literary, artistic, dramatic, cinematograph film or sound recording work is created.
Searching, Application Filing, Registration and Renewal; Assignment and Licensing Agreement; Infringement and Cancellation of Design, Litigation etc.
Searching, Application Filing, Registration and Renewal; Assignment and Licensing Agreement; Infringement and Cancellation of Design, Litigation etc.
Industrial Design
A design right protects the distinct appearance of a product, by providing a monopoly over the design of the product.
Searching, Patent Drafting & Application Filing, Registration and Renewal; Assignment; Opposition, Infringement and Cancellation of Patent, Litigation etc.
Searching, Patent Drafting & Application Filing, Registration and Renewal; Assignment; Opposition, Infringement and Cancellation of Patent, Litigation etc.
Company Incorporation
Incorporation is the legal process used to form a corporate entity or company. A corporation is the resulting legal entity that separates the firm’s assets and income from its owners and investors. Clearance,Drafting of Articles and Memorandum of Association, Registration, Return Filing etc.
Munshi & associates is one of the Intellectual Property Law Firm in Bangladesh and provides full intellectual property services, specifically, in the field of IP prosecution, registration, protection and enforcement relating to Patents, Trademarks/service marks, Copyrights, Industrial designs, Geographical indications (GI) and others intellectual property rights matters.
Our Services
Contact Us
Address : Pritom Zaman Tower,
Suite No - 1006, level - 10
37/2, Box Culvert Road, Purana Paltan, Dhaka - 1000, Bangladesh.